Tuesday 27 September 2016


In an unknown Imperial facility, watched over by the Emperor's striking and efficient crimson guards, an ominous cloaked figure heads towards a gleaming and smoky central point, in the most mysterious image yet from the ROGUE ONE teaser trailer.

Online speculation is rampant as to who this mystery figure is. Some have suggested it's an early version of Snoke, or possibly the Emperor (Ian McDiarmid recently stated that he wasn't appearing in ROGUE ONE, but that doesn't stop him from voicing the role, with another actor as a stand-in). As to the environment itself (full of EPISODE IV Imperial set dressing tributes), that too is an enigma: some kind of weapons or energy chamber, or possibly some kind of field containing a life force or person/creature in containment/stasis? Whatever it is, the fact that it is guarded by the elite is a sign of genuine importance to the story.

Whatever this scene is, we have a hunch that its ramifications will be vital not just to this film, but also to the continuing sequel saga being mapped out by LUCASFILM.


Marie said...

I'm pretty sure the thing inside the tube of light is Snoke or Darth Vader. But then if it was Darth Vader the emperor wouldn't be kneeling in front of him.

Marie said...

If it was Darth Vader in the tube, why would the emperor be kneeling? It is probably Snoke in there.