Monday 16 April 2018


In their primary conference room on the Death Star, Darth Vader and Governor Tarkin discuss the current situation linked to Princess Leia and the Rebel Base, in a scene from the original Star Wars.

Though equals in service to the Emperor, the former Expanded Universe history suggested that Vader was sent by his Master to act as a kind of watchdog on Tarkin in case he got too big for his boots in commanding the ultimate weapon. In the original film, however, you never get that feeling- Vader and Tarkin are comrades in evil, and Vader in some ways takes order from Tarkin. But, in a March 1976 pre-filming draft script for Star Wars released a few years back by Peter Mayhew (online via Twitter), they have one scene in the conference room where Tarkin briefly outlines his idea to Vader of eventually wrestling control of the Empire from the Emperor. Some of the dialogue from this Scene 97 eventually carried over into the revised final draft shooting script (notably the dialogue linked to the return of Obi-Wan), but some didn't...


Darth Vader paces the room as Governor Tarkin sits at the far end of the conference table.

TARKIN: This operation will secure my place on the Emperor's council. With the right maneuvering I could be Emperor. The rebel base will soon be destroyed. I've sent a scouting unit ahead, we should get confirmation soon. What's bothering you?

VADER: A tremor in the force. A slight thing, but it's almost like being in the presence of my old master.

TARKIN: The Jedi, Ben Kenobi? He must be dead by now?

VADER: Perhaps, it's just a feeling.

TARKIN: The Jedi movement is dead. You, my friend, are all that's left of their wizard ways.

Their is a quiet buzz on the comlink and Tarkin answers.

There was a further additional line filmed but not used once Tarkin discovers that Leia has lied about Dantooine. He chillingly says to Vader:

"I'll find that hidden fortress if I have to destroy every star system in the sector!'

The line is also present in the Alan Dean Foster novelisation.

Intriguingly, the Brian Daley radio adaptation of the film has a scene where Admiral Motti plants the idea of further ambition for control in Tarkin's mind. Perhaps Daley had seen the earlier draft script and incorporated the idea, as he would so successfully in expanding other scenes and character moments for the eventual thirteen-part drama.

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